Corporate Sponsorships & Partnerships
ARVL is a veteran homelessness support service providing emergency accommodation for primarily contemporary veterans in need. A 2019 report by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute suggested that 5.3 percent of the recently transitioned ADF population were homeless in a 12 month period. Based on South Australia’s population, this equates to 411 contemporary veterans experiencing homelessness in a 12 month period. On average, ARVL currently receives 7 enquiries a month for our emergency accommodation and a further 4 for affordable housing. ARVL’s primary focus is providing housing pathways and assisting residents in securing long term stable housing by linking them with community housing providers, other government agencies and providing housing opportunities. In addition, residents have access to a multidisciplinary team of external support workers such as Open Arms, Pop Up Community Care and The Jamie Larcombe Centre (JLC) that provide specialist treatment and care.
We welcome Corporate support and sponsorship and are able to develop a package to suit your budget and level of support. Please contact our Program Manager for more information

Enquire about ARVL
Enquiring about our affordable and emergency accomodation is STEP 1 in a Multi Step process. Thank you for your understanding.